This was 2007:

Elizabeth's third year was wonderful. She is always a
charming young lady. And she just loves to cuddle up
in the arms of her Grandma and Grandpa.
(Mommy and Daddy too, of course!)

She has a bright and winning smile with piercing
blue eyes. She goes by Lizzie most of the time now.
But here Daddy loves to call her "Lizard"!

There are lots of wonderful pictures here, so feel free
to browse.


Lizzie loves to play Tea Party. Here
Grandma held a backyard bash.


Easter was a bright and cheery day.
But Lizzie was the brightest of all!


Dressed in her Texas U outfit, Lizzie
was ready for all the good eats.


Lizzie had a wonderful Christmas.
Here greatest fun was playing with
Mrs. Santa's house. Take a look.