The team travelled to Kabale, in the southwest of the country, to attend the graduation at Bishop Barham College. Bishop Barham is a constituent institution of UCU, and provides higher education to the people of the southwestern region.
The bus arrived in Kabale to a huge greeting provided by the students of the College and other townspeople and children (Img 5). A Youth Band palyed festive music (Imgs 2 & 8).
Chiga dancers performed a welcome dance (Imgs 3, 4, & 7). The Chiga are the local tribe.
The newest bishop in the Church of Uganda was on hand - Bishop George Tibeesigwa (Imgs 1 & 6).
At the College, more dancers - this time, students - welcomed the team (Img 9).
The team then went to the Church for a worship service. Archbishop George Carey brought a greeting and message to the congregation, composed of students and family members. (Imgs 10 - 15)
Following the worship service and community meeting, team members went to the newly built Dean's House for a reception and meal. (Imgs 16 through 20)